Artroscopia Pediatrica

Artroscopia Pediatrica

sábado, 27 de septiembre de 2014

Luego de una Cirugía de reemplazo de cadera o rodilla: HAY QUE MOVERSE!

Una cirugía de reemplazo de rodilla grabada con una GoPro !!

Interesante vídeo de un reemplazo de rodilla en 3D. Muy cortito

BioDigital Systems created this 3D animation of a knee replacement surgery.

Te contamos sobre el reemplazo de rodilla

Reemplazo de rodilla

Otros nombres: Artroplastia de rodilla 

Reemplazo total de rodilla (Total Knee Replacement)

Reemplazo total de rodilla La articulación de la rodilla está compuesta por el extremo inferior del fémur, que actúa de bisagra en el extremo superior de la tibia, y la rótula, que se desliza por el espacio que se forma entre los cóndilos femorales. El reemplazo total de rodilla es un procedimiento a través del cual la rodilla que presenta dolor o funciona mal se reemplaza por componentes artificiales.

@AAOS1: Choosing Between Partial and Total #Knee Replacements

Knee Deformity: Genu Recurvatum

Viscosupplementation Therapy

You are here: Home Services Viscosupplementation Therapy
Viscosupplementation therapy is a procedure involving the injection of gel-like substances (hyaluronates) into a joint to supplement the viscous properties of synovial fluid. This procedure has been shown to be 86% successful in alleviating pain associated with osteoarthritis and is covered by most major medical insurance providers and Medicare.
At Performance Health Medical & Rehab, we have elected to utilize Hyalgan as our injectable of choice for our viscosupplementation therapy program. Hyalgan was the first type of natural knee injection approved by the FDA in 1996. Hyalgan consists of a mixture of sodium hyaluronate that is found naturally and extracted from rooster combs. We have been able to help many residents in the Buffalo Grove, Arlington Heights, and Elgin areas.
We also utilize a breakthrough piece of medical equipment at our facility called fluoroscopy. This is a very important point because fluoroscopy allows our medical staff to look inside your joints in real time with the latest in imaging technology while administering any of our minimally invasive injection procedures. This instrument helps to insure that the injected material is introduced to the exact point intended and therefore provides the best possible outcome from each injection. That’s why if you have tried any type of pain reduction injection elsewhere without success we may still be able to assist you as your original injection may have never wound up in just the right place.

Discusión entre pares / 30 years male. Was operated 3 months ago elsewhere. Now complains of knee stiffness. ..

30 years male. Was operated 3 months ago elsewhere. Now complains of knee stiffness. He wants his knee movement. What best can be done for him?

Estiramiento para glúteos y piramidal.

El pie plano valgo flexible no amerita tratamiento...

Flatfoot in Children

This video describes the flat foot condition in children. It explain the development of the foot arch. It shows the difference between physiologic flexible flat foot and rigid flat foot. It then describes the pathological causes of flat foot (tarsal coalition, accessory navicular and tight heel cord). At the end with describe how to chose the best shoe for your child

Discusión entre pares / Paciente de 84 años con alteración de conciencia, cae de su propia altura.

Caso #10
Jhoan Burbano nos envía este caso para que se comente y elijan el implante adecuado Paciente de 84 años con alteración de conciencia, cae de su propia altura.